Tuesday, September 29, 2015


My 20 Time Project is going to be producing music through computer software programs.
My final product/goal/accomplishment will be to produce either an individual, or short compilation of short instrumental songs made by myself (a new, independent creation).
What do I need to know about my topic to be successful? (Now research these items and staple them to this handout.)
I need to learn how to count beats, understand how to operate music software programs, understand how to create simple melodies, simple drum and bass and string patterns, and gain an overall better understanding of the creative process in making music, sampling instruments from other works, and synthesizing a product that is playable and not a literal clone of someone else’s work.
What will be easy about this project?
I love music, learning about music, the creative process, challenging myself creatively, and hearing things that work, knowledge of instrumentations, and overall brainstorming.
What will be difficult about this project?
Physically learning how to use the computer software programs, being able to see the bigger picture of a beat (the forest as opposed to the trees) and how everything will work in unison will be key.
Will most of this project be in class or outside of class?
Most of the project will likely be outside of class, as I can’t download the software on computers in school.
If outside, what will I do during the class 20 Time?
Watch tutorials on making beats, reading articles about creating music (tips, tricks, creative ideas), listening to other instrumentals for inspiration, brainstorming ideas, practice counting beats.

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