Friday, January 15, 2016

Reflection Week 15


            This week I started to work on my midterm presentation for the 20 Percent Time project. It’s really interesting to go back and look at all of the different pictures I’ve taken throughout the first half of the school year. It’s funny to look at the pictures from the beginning and how they show exactly what I try to avoid when I currently take pictures. So far, the PowerPoint effectively shows the progress I made by putting together a sequence of different pictures and showing their best attributes and worst flaws. As the PowerPoint goes on, the attributes get better and the flaws become smaller. The PowerPoint will also have side-by-side comparisons of two or more different pictures of the same object to reflect how a little change in settings can make a huge difference in the picture. I’m having fun making this presentation, and I hope the class will enjoy what I have in store.

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