Sunday, February 28, 2016

Reflection #2

            This week for my 20% time project , I worked out only three days for his week. It has become difficult because I get tied up in all of the other activities that are presently going on in my life. I really want to workout consistently so I am hoping to get closer to my goal this upcoming week. I looked up some more workouts for women that will get me to where I want to be physically. I look forward to seeing some results.

Reflection S2 W2


            This week, I continued my role as an observer. My mom cooked loaded potato skins with buffalo chicken on Saturday night and I helped her cook it. My mom prepared and cooked everything, but I gathered all the ingredients and watched her as she did it. She seasoned the potatoes and let them cook alone on the stovetop in olive oil. She also let the chicken marinate in buffalo sauce and grilled it. She mixed the chicken and potatoes and let them bake along with chives, shredded cheese, and bacon. She served it with sour cream and more chives on top. I was surprised how quickly it could be prepared, how much of it there was, and how good it was. She said next time she makes it, she will let me know and let me help a little more than I did this time.

Reflection 2

So for this week, I was able to partner up with my friend to take pictures. he has the equipment and skills to be able to recreate the style like Humans of New York. Tomorrow, we will be taking our first snapshot, so that's very exciting. I'm anxious and nervous as to how that will work. We are planning on just walking around during co and lunch to see who is walking around. We don't really have a plan on how to get a person, it will be a very spontaneous moment, but I think that's the magic of the whole project. The unmasking of that random girl you see in the hallway, or that senior who you always see but don't really know. Look forward to future updates.

Reflection 1

So to prepare for my first picture, I realized I need a plan on how to approach a person.
i came up with a  simple 3 step plan.
1) Introduction: Simply ask if I can take their picture. if they seem interested, then I will explain why and what I'm taking their pictures for.
2) Picture: Smile!
3): Questions: You can't get the right quote just from one questions. Depending on how the conversation will flow, try to build off of what the interviewee provided.
Here are a list of questions I can ask:

  1. Hi, what’s your name?
  2. What grade and school are you?
  3. What were your happiest moments?
  4. What’s the difference between your school self and non-school self?
  5. What advice would you give to underclassmen?
  6. What are the bad things about __________(year)?
  7. What would you change about the way the country is run?
  8. What life motto do you go by?
  9. Who influenced you the most?
  10. What do you think you will be doing in 20 years?
  11. What clubs are you in?
  12. What challenges did you face when you came to UCVTS?
  13. Who’s your favorite teacher? Why? Any stories or experience?
  14. What’s your favorite class?
  15. What is your goal right now?
4)Thank them for their time.

Week 2

So the first thing I tried to make was a polar bear. It turned out pretty bad, but I'm not disappointed because it was my first time trying it. However, I did successfully make a paper box, which was cool. I think I'm going at a good working pace, but I want to do more origami during the week. I need to make more time for it, and maybe making a simple schedule/routine for it would help.

Week 2

At this point, I am still going to test out various blogging platforms to see which one offers a format I like the best. I've decided on, for the moment, blogger by google, as I am familiar with it. The first topic I wrote on was the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. In terms of journalistic style, I'm definitely not going for the AP report style. That's boring to me. I am going to infuse my own opinion and feelings, and thus the articles will be subjective reflections of my mind, infused with facts. This first article is rather barebones, but that's intentional. It gives me things to build off of; direct quotes, pictures (on a different blog format), stats, etc. As far as starts go, however, I like it.

antonin scalia's death

Drizzy Drake Week 2

Okay, it was definitely too soon to say that I'd be able to post anything on here. I've been practicing the "faux calligraphy" I saw on one of the websites I was using, and it looks okay, but it needs work and I don't really know what I'd post here anyway. So lemme just figure that out and I'll get back to you guys.

In other news, I found a pack of pens I really wanna try: Elegant Writer Calligraphy Markers-- they're on Amazon and only cost $5.99. My dad likes things that are inexpensive, and hopefully that will be music to his ears.

One last thing-- my mother informed me that we have a calligraphy book in the house, I just have to find it. If not, I can just ride my bicycle down to the library and pick up a few titles on the subject. Have a nice week, everyone! See ya next Sunday.


This week I learned how to cook spinach stew with plantains. However, I used a new approach to make use of the time alloted to me during class. I researched the dish in my class time and I was fortunate enough to stumble onto an article in New York Times referencing the dish I just learned how to cook. The article also gives insight on how to cook the dish and how it is being served in a Ghanain themed restaurant in New York. This restaurant really peeks my interest therefore, i am hoping I will go visit the restaurant sometime and evaluate their foods. I might potentially draw comparisons between the dish when I cook it versus when professionals cook it. Anyway, I proceeded to cooking the spinach stew with three plantains. I began by creating the stew therefore I warmed vegetable oil in the oven, added onions and seasoning, and after stirring the mixture until the onions became golden brown I added tomato paste. Upon finishing the stew, I boiled the plantains in salt water. Overall, the meal came out very well and I was able to cook and learn thins meal without my mother's assistance. The only problems with the meal were that the plantains weren't tender enough and spinach lacked strong flavor. However, I plan to overcome these problems by boiling the plantains longer and increasing the amount of spices I add to the spinach.

Reflection Week 2

Although I still haven't decided on a definite final goal for my second 20% Time Project, I've finally chosen what code I will be learning HTML. I've been speaking to friends who are experienced in coding, and I researched all the different types of coding, and I've come to the conclusion that HTML would be the best language for me to learn. Since it is used to create websites, I am probably going to try and create a website. To learn, I will be using Code Academy, and I will hopefully be getting some help and advice from friends and family who have learned to code with HTML.

Reflection 2

This week I planned on working on my gauge swatch. I thought that I could use some yarn I had already, but after doing some more research I realized that the most accurate way to get the gauge is to use the yarn you are planning on knitting with. So, instead of that I did A LOT of research on different types of yarns. When I made my scarf last semester, I didn't really look into the different types and fibers and I ended up with a pretty itchy scarf. There's nothing worse than an itchy sweater so I did a lot of research on the best type of yarn. I thought about using bamboo yarn because its very light and I'd be able to wear it in the warmer weather. But I also found a lot of nice worsted wool yarn that would be nice for the winter. I have so many options to choose from, but my only problem is the cost. The better quality yarn is obviously more expensive. After looking at some of the most recommended brands by yarn blogs, I found ones that cost around $10 a bundle, and it would take around 3 or 4 of those to make a sweater. I might have to settle for something a little less expensive, even though it may not be as high quality.

New Reflection #2

This week, I decided to try classical music by well known composers like Ludwig van Beethoven's Ode to Joy which is said to be an easy advanced song to learn. I found it difficult at first but it got easier as I continued to practice. I also practiced the remaining scales and chords for the A - G notes. I still think I need more practice to play any truly advanced songs but I have plenty of time to do that. I will continue to practice each day.

Reflection 2

This week I had a Relay bakesale in Westfield so I was able to bake something! I started off simple, baking snickerdoodles and confetti cookies. It was really fun to make and see how everything turned out. The snickerdoodles didn't turn out as well as I planned, because the recipe I used wasn't the greatest. It used too much flour, so my dough was extremely dry and crumbly.. But on the bright side they were edible! The confetti cookies was a unique recipe using a boxed cake mix, giving them a really nice texture. I really love these, and I plan to bake these again. They're also extremely cute and colorful. I'm not so sure what to bake this week, but I'll look through my recipe list.

Here are the cookies I baked! I forgot to take a picture of them at first, so there were only 4 left when I took it haha. 

Reflection Week 2

This week for my 20% Time Project I created a cover for my vision book and wrote a mission statement. My mission statement basically explained who I was and what I aspire to be/do. I also wrote about what I hope to gain by starting a career in journalism and why I love the idea of being a journalist. The mission statement was very general, but I did that on purpose so I could get more in detail later.

Reflection #2 2/28

Intro to Humanities
           My second semester 20% Project is going to be me learning to bake and cook many new things. This week I continued look for recipes in class. I focused more on desserts that an be made in a college dorm and I found some interesting mug cakes I plan on making soon after my mom takes me food shopping. At home, I made a dish made from a left over cheese steak. For lunch I ordered a cheesesteak from a local deli and I could not finish it. So, a few hours later when I was hungry again, I decided to make my cheesesteak better. I removed the un from the cheesesteak and proceeded to put the meat in cheese into a pan. In another pan, I made French fries. Once the French fries were ready,  took a few of the smaller ones and put it in the pan with the cheesesteak and the rest went onto a plate. I cooked the French fries and cheesesteak together with some more cheese and I sprinkled some Lawry's seasoned salt on it. My cheesesteak was all brand new once I put it on some potato bread instead of the original white roll used.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

20% Time Proposal

Day 1:

  1. List all of the things you’ve ever wanted to do, physically, and never been able to.
100 push ups non-stop, lift 100 pounds, etc.

  1. List all of the things you’ve ever wanted to do, mentally, and never been able to.
Imagining plans to build stuff like an architect or engineer.

  1. Think of some ways you might be able to help your community.
Guiding the youth, give them free toys, create a program where kids can do something productive with their time.

  1. Think of some ways you might be able to help your school.
Help some people out with their math classes/electives or any subject they will need help in.

  1. Think of some hobbies you’ve always wanted to try but never got around to figuring them out or learning more about them.
Snowboarding, how to ice skate, building kid toys, making electric routers.


Day 2:
My 20 Time Project is going to be learning about and configuring DC Motors to build and create homemade children toys.

My final product/goal/accomplishment will be multiple children toys made by me with DC Motors as the electric component to make the vehicles move.

What do I need to know about my topic to be successful? (Now research these items and staple them to this handout.)
DC Motors

What will be easy about this project?
The research

What will be difficult about this project?
The actual building of the toys and then configuring the DC Motors to work correctly.

Will most of this project be in class or outside of class?
Mostly outside of class.

If outside, what will I do during the class 20 Time?
Looking up some new vehicles to build and looking up more powerful motors.

Reflection Week 2

This week for starting off my 20% Time Proposal I have been looking up some DC Motors that will be efficient for my project. I also looked up how it will work and what I would have to do to make the Motor work with the homemade toys. Everything is going good and I am pretty excited for the end results.

Reflection Week 1

This starts a new 20% Time Project and this time I plan on learning to how make a small electric motor in order to make kid vehicles. I think it will be worthwhile because if I like it I may even make a business out of selling kid toys. I will start off by giving these little items to my little cousins and see how they like it first.

Monday, February 22, 2016

New Reflection #1

This week, I started by looking for a song. Since there is an endless amount of songs and many genres, it was not an easy task. I narrowed it down somewhere between classical and pop culture. For my playing, I started by reviewing the different notes and scales familiarizing myself with how sheet music works. Most YouTube videos recommend that I understand how the music works instead of memorizing the song itself. My goal is to have the song picked within the next couple of weeks so I know what chords and scales to study.

The New Proposal

I've decided to mix it up and go for something completely different. My new proposal is to continue something that I put on hold for a while: playing the piano. The piano is my favorite instrument and I always wanted to learn how to play. Now, I can use this opportunity to play and continue my progress. My goal by the end of this project is to play at least one complete song. To achieve my goal, I will need to first pick a song then, practice nearly everyday to improve my skills. I know that YouTube has many videos on learning and those plus my own song sheets should help me practice. An easy thing about this project would be access to a piano since I already own one. A more difficult issue would be to stay on task and remember to practice each week. But I believe I can do it and I surely will since this for a grade anyway!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Reflection Week 1

I decided to research coding and found a website called Code Academy. As I'm not planning on code yet, I've bookmarked this website for when I will be ready to start. I haven't yet decided what language of code I will be learning, but hopefully as I dig deeper into this, I will finally make my decision. I just recently discovered Python and Ruby, but I feel that learning something like Java would be a lot more practical for the real world.

Reflection Week 1

While it took me awhile to decide on it, I am excited to learn how to draw. To begin, I am first going to focus on styles and techniques. That way, I hopefully will have a strong foundation that will allow me to draw anything. This is important to me because I really like to draw but currently, the only way I can draw something is if I am staring right at it and try to make an exact copy. I want to be able to draw freely without needing to trace or anything like that. This week I started with shading/creating gradients and sketching styles like cross-hatching or continuous line drawings. I am really excited about this project and plan on taking pictures to document my progress along the way.

Reflection 1

For my 20% Time, I have narrowed down my project to baking, however I do plan to branch out later on in the course of the semester. This is going to be especially useful for all the bakesales that class council and my Relay for Life Team have. To start off, I am in the process of researching potential recipes to bake and collecting a list of them on a document. I have also checked out other baking blogs online for inspiration. I did bake something, and it was peanut butter banana cupcakes for my dog's birthday! It was really fun an he enjoyed it even though it didn't look as appealing as it should've. To document my baking creations, I was planning to create a blog, but I have also thought about maybe making a Tumblr or Instagram account for it instead. I am not entirely sure yet, but I feel like social media accounts are easier to get exposure on and feedback. I haven't done too much work yet, but I am just getting started. This upcoming Saturday my Relay team is having a bake sale so I will bake something yummy for that!

Reflection 1

Since I already have experience with knitting, I skipped the basics and started researching stitches and patterns for knitting a sweater. One new thing I came across was gauge. Your gauge is the number of stitches and rows per inch. It's really important because you want your sweater to fit the pattern or grid you are following. Basically, you'll have a grid give you some numbers that tell you how many stitches and rows the average knitter would knit in an inch with a specific needle size and you need to make sure that your gauge matches up with that. It's still a little confusing to me, but I found some sites that told me I need to make a swatch, wash it, and measure it to find my gauge. That's what I'm going to work on next week. I also found a really really helpful YouTube channel called knitpicks. The woman who runs it, Nina, has a whole playlist filled with lessons on knitting a sweater. This is probably going to be one of my most used resources.

Week 1

When searching for origami basics, I found a website that explains the different types of folds often used. I had no idea that people named the way you folded paper, but when I thought about it, I can see how it is useful. The website also has a lot of origami tutorials which I will definitely use later on.

Reflection #1 2/21

Intro to Humanities

          My second semester 20% Project is going to be me learning to bake and cook many new things. I have decided to narrow my project down to learning how to survive at college. I will learn how to make microwavable meals, new meals from leftovers, and how to make dishes for big dinners for a plethora of my dorm mates and friends. This week I did more of researching because before I can start making anything in a microwave I must know what can and cannot be used in a microwave. For example, the following things cannot be put in a microwave.
  • Chinese take-out container
  • paper bags
  • plastic bags
  • newspaper
  • yogurt container
  • styrofoam containers
  • plates with metallic trim
  • many travel mugs (check to see)
  • plastic containers (check to see)
  • aluminum foil
And the following foods cannot be microwaved,
  • hard boiled eggs or shelled eggs
  • grapes and raisins (basically fruit)
  • red sauce (needs a cover)
  • hot peppers
  • celery
  • mushrooms
  • beets


Reflection Week 1

This week I didn't make any progress on my vision book due to projects for school, but I did get to do a lot of research on what to include in my book. I didn't get all the materials I wanted for my vision book, but my parents have some things from their jobs they can give to me which will help me out a lot. I only have one test next week, so I'll probably have a lot more time to work on my project.

Friday, February 19, 2016

refelction #1 S2

              This week for my 20% time project I was able to actually join a gym with my mom. It is called Lifetime Fitness. I have always been the one to motivate her on her weight loss journey. It is time for me to push myself now. I have gone to the gym with her twice on the past week. I would have liked to go more but, how often we go also depends on how busy she is. So what i have decided to do is workout at home when we cannot go to the gym. Working out at home is not as motivating as going to an actual gym but, it is effective. I am feeling sore so that is a good thing. I have decided that my goal is to workout five days out of the week. I know it sounds crazy and i really hope i can achieve this with my busy schedule. I cannot wait to start seeing some results!

Reflection S2 W1


            For my new 20 % Time project cooking, I decided to start off as an observer. I watched my mom cook dinner every night this week. I paid attention to the way she handled ingredients and how she knew just when to stop cooking something. There was an obvious sense of experience when I watched her cook, and that made me realize that she will be my most valuable resource for this project. I explained to her what the project is and how she would be able to help, and she agreed to help me develop my cooking skills in order to prepare for college. I also took some time to look up some simple recipes that would be of use to me while I am at college. Some easy meals like Mac and Cheese and a morning egg bake popped up, so I may decide to start off with those, so I can allow myself to develop. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Proposal 2

For this semester, I finally decided on drawing. I really enjoyed sign language and do plan on continuing my knowledge, but I just do not think I would be able to keep myself motivated in class for another semester. I like to draw a lot but I am not very good at it. Most of my drawing currently consists of doodles on my notebook pages and hand. I would like to learn proper techniques of drawing and be able to expand the repertoire of things I can draw besides eyes and swirls (which is my current complete collection). For this, I could spend class time and outside of class time working on my project as the materials needed are really just a writing utensil and paper. I think this project will be fun for me, but also therapeutic. I already doodle as a way to relax myself so I think immersing myself further in drawing would be a great calming technique.

Monday, February 15, 2016


In order to kick off this semester's proposal, I have decided to review and practicing cooking the foods that I have already learned. Overall, I cooked pancakes, jollof rice, turkey, grilled chicken, and white rice. I was able to cook these foods with a new degree of ease. In addition to that, my mom was able to get her hands on a new container of spice from Ghana. We refer to it as red pepper, and we added it to the jollof rice in an attempt to enhance the taste. After this addition, the joloof rice became more spice and it seemed to enhance the taste of the gravy used to create the jollof rice, which elevated the dish to new heights. As for the grilled the chicken, I tried adjusting the spices I normally use to season the meat by lessening the amount of basic chicken spice I use and increasing the amount of basil and thyme used in the chicken. Afterwards I simply proceeded to bake the chicken at 400 degrees fahrenheit. This variation in spices led to an unbalance in the chicken that I look to improve next time by adding more cumin and pepper. However, next week I will practice cooking spinach stew and white rice. Therefore, I will return to the chicken at a later date.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Second Semester Proposal

As the first semester comes to a close, so does my first 20% Time Project. Although I did have fun with it, I just felt that it was no longer something that I could extend for another semester. So I've decided to take on another challenge, more specifically something with computers. I was really split between learning about game design with the Unreal Engine, or learning how to code with something like Java, HTML, or C++. I've decided i will use something along the lines of HTML, C++, or Java. My ending goal is to be capable of creating some sort of game or website, preferably a website, that I could be happy with.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Drizzy Drake Week 1

I'm really excited to finally be starting my calligraphy project. My main goal is to be able to use a calligraphy pen properly and quickly and to be able to create amazing nice pieces of work for my friends and family to enjoy. 

On Thursday, I put together a Microsoft One Note notebook. In it will be any information I think will be useful. So far, I have compiled definitions of words important to typography, and some basic rules to keep your artwork/document looking neat.

This week, I want to try 2 drawings, and post them here to look back on later. Valentine's Day is Sunday, so maybe I'll post something related to that. Not sure.

Wish me luck and see you next week.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Second Semester Proposal


Second Semester Proposal
            For the 20% Time Project in the second semester, I would like to learn how to cook. More specifically, I would like how to cook for myself since I will be on my own in a little over a year. At home, I have a home cooked meal almost every day and when I go to college, I don’t want that to stop. Most of my friends in college don’t know how to cook, so they either spend unnecessary money to eat out every night, or they eat ramen noodles every night. That doesn’t sound too appealing to me, so that is why I would like to learn how to cook for myself. I would need to learn how to measure how much food to put in, how long to cook it, and how to serve it. I also need to learn how to make efficient trips to the grocery store to get ingredients.

            My family loves to cook. My parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, all love to cook. I will have plenty of resources out of school if I ever get lost. In school, I will be looking at video tutorials of people cooking meals I would be interested in trying. I would also be looking at recipes to attempt at home. For supplies, I need a kitchen, cooking supplies, and an experienced cook to guide me. I’ve always wanted to learn how to cook, and I’m excited to dive in.

Proposal #2

Myia Samuels
Mrs. Roy
9 February 2016
20% Time Proposal #2
Last semester, I decided to do HTML coding for my 20 Percent Time Project. While that was fun to learn, I will not continue coding for my next project. This semester, I want to learn how to do origami. I’ve always admired people who can create amazing things with only paper, so I wanted to try it out for myself. 
 My main goal for this semester is to learn how to create about 10 to 15 different things with paper.
            For this project to be successful, I will need to do a lot of practice. I plan on spending most of my in-school twenty percent time watching videos and other tutorials, and then actually doing origami outside of school. This way, I won’t have to bring stacks of paper to school. I am also hoping that this could be a stress reliever, and that it will relax me. 
An easy thing about this project is finding supplies. My mom used to do scrap booking, so I still have unused paper of all sizes and colors. I will most likely still need more paper,  but fortunately, paper isn’t hard to find. Also, I won’t need any supplies other than the paper and my hands. Although, this does seem simple for now, I’m sure I will come across some difficulties and many paper cuts. 

Drizzy Drake's Proposal #2

This time around, my 20% Time project is going to be learning calligraphy/ typography. My ultimate goal is to create cool designs with letters and calligraphy pens. I think I will do better in this project because it's easier than the last 20% Time project (I completely underestimated the amount of skill and tools I would need) and I will be at home and not in the hospital.

To be successful, I will definitely have to purchase some calligraphy pens, and depending on the brand, are fairly inexpensive. Dedication is also a top priority and without it, I won't go far in this project. I discovered that there are many websites on calligraphy and typography, so obtaining knowledge on this topic won't be an issue.

What makes this project easy is that this project is still artistic, and I won't be completely blind starting this new project. With the last 20% Time, I had to learn about the computer software before I even touched the art program. This semester, I'm using things that are familiar to me, like pens and paper.

The most difficult thing for me will probably be staying on task and obtaining the right tools. My mother likes the art supply store A.C. Moore, so I'll just ask if I can come along the next time she goes out there.

Calligraphy/ typography would be an easy project to take with me anywhere I go because it's quiet and not unlike drawing. I can work on it at home and at school.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


For my second semester 20% time project I would like to start watercolor painting. Alongside politics and public policy, I also enjoy learning about art and attempting to create something artistic. Some of my family members, like my mother and her mother, prefer watercolor over another medium and my middle school art teacher told me that after she retired, she hoped to paint with watercolor more; there has to be something, besides something art related, that can be learned from it. Personally, I want to spend more of my free time relaxing while also being productive. I cannot say that I have any specific achievements, but I would like to finish a piece in about two weeks time. As I experiment with the medium, I also want to consider different styles of art. Practicing over time will hopefully improve my artistic abilities and maybe I will become somewhat decent at watercolor painting. During class, there is a lot that I can do. Learning about different types of art and thoroughly researching them will help me grow as someone who likes art. That knowledge from my research can then be applied to my own art. Another way I plan on spending my class time is to practice simple sketching, because without a preliminary idea/sketch, I have difficulty moving on. Lastly, I will also spend my time creating some type of blog which my art and research can be accessible.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Proposal Semester 2

20 Time Brainstorming Guide

My 20 Time Project is going to be able to create an introspective view on the daily lives of the students on campus like the Humans of New York. My final product is to create a facebook page documenting the comments and life advice columns from the students’ everyday lives

There are many different types of “Humans of” pages from different countries that I can use for reference. There are different themes that resounds with each country like Korea focusing on change from tradition to modern and New York focusing on life stories. I would like to create a Humans of UCVTS focusing on life advice.

I believe finding the equipment for this project would be easy because I only needing a camera, laptop, and phone. However, finding people to interview and getting the courage to speak to different types of people to gather information. Also, during an interview it is important to follow through with the conversation by branching off of the interviewee’s responses. You can not memorize a script because everything is based off of the other person.

Most of the project will be done outside of the classroom. Finding the people will take place either during co or lunch. The project can be fairly distributed between class and time outside. Also, I can work on editing the interviews and descriptions during class time along with brainstorming new questions to ask can take place during class time.

20% Time Proposal

For my last 20% project, I decided to create two blog posts out of the week. I want to continue blogging, but for my 20% project I want to create a vision book. In my vision book, I will include all of the things I want to accomplish in the future, who or what inspires me to do better, important people and places in my life, etc. I did something like this in eighth grade, but I wasn't satisfied with my final project. I plan on creating some blog posts similar to the ones I created last semester and putting them in my book. A lot of this project will be done at home. For this project I need a binder, copy paper, markers and other drawing materials, etc.


Last semester, I embarked on an adventure through the world of cooking. In this adventure I encountered many stumbling blocks that I needed to jump over. I leaped over theses blockades with ease and it has leaded me to two divergent paths. On one path I continue my cooking exploits and on the other I go on a completely different journey. I have decided to select the cooking path because I have not yet achieved my overall goal of being able to cook four different meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That goal was meant to represent my quality cooking abilities because I felt that once a person mastered four different meals for each meal of the day that that person would be fully capable of learning new meals with ease due to their enhanced skills . Given that I can only cook two different meals for each meal of the day, I felt that I have not achieved the mastery I am aiming for yet. Albeit when I made this goal, I thought that we would not have the option to change our 20% project midway through the year. Therefore, I will continue to pursue my dream of being a fully capable chef that can cook different foods and recipes without worry or difficulty.