Intro to Humanities
My second semester 20% Project is going to be me learning to bake and cook many new things. My project is inspired by Papa, although I plan to take a different route then he did. I have past experience with cooking and baking, but with college around he corner and life about to start a new chapter, I think it is time I learn to cook enough support many people. Usually when I cook, it is only for myself, but I'd like to expand my talents. My final product will be multiple mastered dishes and desserts shown either by picture or in person. In order to be successful, I must learn how to follow a recipe, instructions, and make everything look appetizing. I plan on making something new every week and might even put together a little recipe book.
I am excited to cook and bake. This project does not seem too difficult and I wish I was stepping out of the box more, but I had no other ideas. My family will be necessary for this project. The hard part will be time. Finding the time to sit down and make something new every week. This project might also help me fundraise money for relay if I sell some of the bake goods I create.
When considering time management, I can work on my project both in and out of the classroom. I can work mostly on this project outside of class, but in class I can search for recipes and new things to make each week. Outside of class, I can do the actual work. I may not have a lot of free time, but I do always make sure I get my work done. I am excited and plan to be very successful in this second 20% project.
What specific goals? Do you want to prepare a multicourse meal? Feed a certain number of people? Create a certain number of dishes? How will you document this to show your growth?