Wednesday, February 10, 2016


For my second semester 20% time project I would like to start watercolor painting. Alongside politics and public policy, I also enjoy learning about art and attempting to create something artistic. Some of my family members, like my mother and her mother, prefer watercolor over another medium and my middle school art teacher told me that after she retired, she hoped to paint with watercolor more; there has to be something, besides something art related, that can be learned from it. Personally, I want to spend more of my free time relaxing while also being productive. I cannot say that I have any specific achievements, but I would like to finish a piece in about two weeks time. As I experiment with the medium, I also want to consider different styles of art. Practicing over time will hopefully improve my artistic abilities and maybe I will become somewhat decent at watercolor painting. During class, there is a lot that I can do. Learning about different types of art and thoroughly researching them will help me grow as someone who likes art. That knowledge from my research can then be applied to my own art. Another way I plan on spending my class time is to practice simple sketching, because without a preliminary idea/sketch, I have difficulty moving on. Lastly, I will also spend my time creating some type of blog which my art and research can be accessible.

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