Thursday, February 25, 2016

20% Time Proposal

Day 1:

  1. List all of the things you’ve ever wanted to do, physically, and never been able to.
100 push ups non-stop, lift 100 pounds, etc.

  1. List all of the things you’ve ever wanted to do, mentally, and never been able to.
Imagining plans to build stuff like an architect or engineer.

  1. Think of some ways you might be able to help your community.
Guiding the youth, give them free toys, create a program where kids can do something productive with their time.

  1. Think of some ways you might be able to help your school.
Help some people out with their math classes/electives or any subject they will need help in.

  1. Think of some hobbies you’ve always wanted to try but never got around to figuring them out or learning more about them.
Snowboarding, how to ice skate, building kid toys, making electric routers.


Day 2:
My 20 Time Project is going to be learning about and configuring DC Motors to build and create homemade children toys.

My final product/goal/accomplishment will be multiple children toys made by me with DC Motors as the electric component to make the vehicles move.

What do I need to know about my topic to be successful? (Now research these items and staple them to this handout.)
DC Motors

What will be easy about this project?
The research

What will be difficult about this project?
The actual building of the toys and then configuring the DC Motors to work correctly.

Will most of this project be in class or outside of class?
Mostly outside of class.

If outside, what will I do during the class 20 Time?
Looking up some new vehicles to build and looking up more powerful motors.

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