Friday, May 13, 2016

Reflection S2 W13


            Even though it was not in the past week, Mother’s Day was last Sunday. I figured it would only be right to cook for my mom on her special day. My dad and I got up early to prepare breakfast. We planned on making egg sandwiches and French toast which we prepared the night before. My dad scrambled the eggs because that’s kind of his thing and I toasted the buns and cooked the taylor ham (pork roll to some). While doing all of that on the stovetop, I put the French toast in the oven to cook at 400° F for 20 minutes. After the French toast was done, I took it out and the final step of the recipe called for it to be served with Nutella, but I didn’t see that initially, so I made a last minute run to Acme to grab some. When everything was finished, my mom woke up and loved the breakfast. I’m glad I took this project on because without it, I would not have been able to do what I did.

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