Thursday, May 19, 2016

Reflection 14

I worked on my sweater a little bit this week. Basically what I have right now is about 3/4 of the back of the body done and then a little bit of the front. Last week, I moved whatever I had done of the back onto another knitting needle just to hold my place so I could get started on the front of the body. It's basically doing the same thing I did in the back. It's very very similar to what I did last semester when I was working on my scarf. I'm hoping to find some time next week to finish that and start at least one sleeve. My goal used to be to get a whole sweater done but I feel like that's a little bit unrealistic at this point. I'm going to try to at least get most of the parts done and to do a little bit of seaming on at least one part of sweater (probably like a sleeve or something).

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