Thursday, May 5, 2016

Reflection S2 W12


            It has become sort of a routine at my house for me to help out with dinner at least one night a week since I started this project (Already 12 weeks ago!). I have been spending a lot of time doing my 20th century timeline, which is my U.S. History final project, but I found time to help out one night. My mom was making raviolis and meatballs, and she asked me to help. I was in the middle of working on my history timeline, so I finished the decade I was working on, and went to help her. My mom already mixed the meats and rolled them into balls and make the sauce, so all that was left is to cook the pasta and meatballs. They were done in about 45 minutes, and it turned out great. Even though I was not working on my timeline, I am glad I still got to help out.

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