So my new runners diet was going pretty well this week. Until the weekend... AGAIN. It's something about weekends. I'm always on the go, and therefore I'm susceptible to snacking. Not only that, there were two more birthday celebrations yesterday and today. And we all know what that means. Cake and pizza, pizza and more cake. And I didn't run or exercise at all the past two days. I'll have to work on my weekend workouts.
However, the week was very successful. I plateaued at 6 miles, but that's okay, Since I have time, I'll take it easy for a bit. After all, I'm half way there ! I'm no longer sore, and breathing is becoming easier. Once I hit 2+ miles in, I feel like I can run forever. Until my feet start to hurt.
The cold is taking a toll on my running though. Especially since I run at night, and it's even colder then. It hurts my skin and I'm worried I might get sick. I'm trying to dress appropriately for runs but it is difficult because I don't want to bundle up and over heat but I don't want my skin to freeze and fall off either.
Sounds like you're doing an awesome job in your training! Are you training for a half marathon? Weekend workouts are definitely tough. Try this: convince yourself to go run for five minutes. That's it. Most people can find five minutes to run. Then, once you're out there, you're likely to run further. But even if you only run five minutes, that's five minutes you didn't run in the previous weekend! Keep it up and good luck!