Sunday, October 25, 2015

Reflection Week 4

This week was an excellent week for my running. Earlier in the week, on Monday, I got new running shoes! It was exciting. On Tuesday I broke them in with a 3 mile run. I woke up the next day with my right ankle hurting, but it didn't hurt DURING my run, it only hurt after. Thursday it still hurt, but after my stretches I decided I could bear the pain and went for a 4 mile run. Friday was a short run, only 2 miles on the treadmill, not outdoors. Monday through Friday I not only ran, but started strength training. I run at night around 8, but after school I work out around 5. I did an entire cycle the five days, alternating the muscle groups the exercises were focused on. Every thing from lunges, to squats to different machine workouts.

My diet continues going well, but weekends continue to be seemingly endless cheat days. This weekend I went out to eat TWICE. And on Saturday I ate half a pizza by myself.  Tomorrow will be a tough run. I am still plateaued at 6 miles. But, I'm working on it in a safe manner. Slow but steady.


  1. Nice work! I like how you highlighted the struggle of running.

  2. Keep on running because that is really good exercise and it will help you keep in shape. Nice work on your article!

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