Monday, October 19, 2015

Reflection Week 3

This week I looked further into the difference between ASL and Signed English. Signed English is a form of sign language that uses ASL signs but follows English grammar rules. I read that people who speak English regularly often find this much easier to learn, which makes sense because understanding grammar rules is the hardest part of any language, in my opinion. So, I decided that I am going to focus on Signed English for right now and maybe if I feel confident enough in it eventually I can try to learn the ASL grammar rules.
I found a YouTube channel that posts Signed English covers of popular songs, so I am watching some of those. Also, a tutorial for each song is posted along with the cover. I found that trying to learn songs I am already familiar with in Signed English makes it easier for me to remember words or phrases. This YouTube channel also provided me with some great Signed English resources that I starting using, such as the sign dictionary at Spreadthesign.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I really look fwd to seeing your project. My wife had several family members who really on ASL and I am intrigued to read as much as possible about it. If you ever want to interview or chat with someone - please have Ms Roy let me know. One of our relatives does ASL themed art She might be a great resource!
