Thursday, December 17, 2015

Reflction #11 12/17

Intro to Humanities
17 December 2015

Reflection #11

          My project is to learn how to braid hair, install, and style hair. Honestly, I did nothing new this week. I am still trying to perfect my braiding technique and braid faster. I practice braiding pretty much everywhere and on anyone who will let me do it. The other day in Human Body Design I gave my classmate a few cornrows and she loved them. I am definitely getting faster and my braiding is becoming neater. In class, I continue braiding my doll's head. At home, I took out my sister's weave and it showed me basically everything backwards. I can count that as a lesson for this week. I already knew how to take the hair out, but this time I did it with a new approach. I attempted to learn from it. Next week is Christmas so I most likely will not bring my hair doll home to braid. Maybe my parents will get me a new one. You never know....

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