Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reflection 7

Okay so I really thought that with a week off from school, I'd have so much time to work on my sweater but I was wrong. I'm not trying to make up excuses, but I just wanted to say that I worked every single day of my spring break because more than half of my coworkers were on vacation. And when I wasn't at work I was running around doing other stuff. In all honesty, I was only home for a little bit in the morning and then I wouldn't get home until like 11 or 12 every night so it was pretty stressful. With all that being said, I managed to find some time to talk to my mom about my sweater. I don't feel great about it so I asked her to help me a little bit when she finds the time. I showed her how far I got and what my plan is and everything, and she just encouraged e to keep going because it was looking okay so far. Once I get higher up towards the neck and sleeves, she'll give me some tips.

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