Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection 9

On Wednesday this week, I baked white chocolate snickerdoodles. For a long time, I've been baking snickerdoodles but they was always something wrong with them. However, after making these snickerdoodles. I think I found the perfect recipe. It was really fun baking these and the white chocolate added a special touch to them. I learned that in order not to burn them, I should bake them on the top rock for 10 minutes and nothing more. I was originally planning to bake more on the weekend, but my refrigerator isn't working, so I can't buy any more butter or other ingredients that need to be kept in it. I baked so that I can use up the ingredients in the fridge just in case they spoil. Also, I now have 5 posts on my blog, which I'm proud of. I realized that I've pretty much been baking every other week which is great. I'm not quite sure if I ever left the link to my blog so here it is:

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