Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection S2 W10


            This week, I went on a weekend trip to Ocean City, NJ with my family. When we got down on Friday, dinner was already cooked because my grandparents left earlier to get our house ready. We just had pizza and salad on Friday. The next day was terrible because all it did was rain, so we were stuck inside the house. At around noon, my grandma came upstairs to where my immediate family and I had our rooms and said that she was going to start dinner early. My mom, sisters, and I went down to help my grandma cook. It was a cool thing to see my grandma and mom cook together. My sisters and I helped mostly by gathering ingredients and measuring them out, but I still had fun. The end result was potato soup, lasagna and meatballs, and lots of garlic bread! The cooking was good and the food was even better.

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