Monday, January 25, 2016

Final Reflection

Whether this gets credit or not is beyond the point. I feel an obligation to do this, even if I am late. Which is story of my life. Being frank, if I knew what I know now about 5 months ago, I wouldn't have undergone this skill. It really wasn't nearly as rewarding as I thought it would be. I had false visions going into the whole process; that I'd pick up really fast, that I'd be proficient at it, etc. But really, it was just overwhelming, tedious, and hopeless at times. What I wouldn't give up from the whole experience was how much I learned about the entire music making process. The knowledge I have now helps me further appreciate the beautiful music my favorite artists make, and that's priceless to me. It's even change the way I completely hear music at times; I'll notice sounds I never thought much of before, imagine the creation of the song, listen for finer details. This project held shine a light on all the incredible complexities involved in making a song. Going forward, I want something that for better or worse, tangible benefits and products would be easier to see and make.

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