Sunday, January 10, 2016

Reflection #14

      For the rest of this week I was able to complete another page as I originally planned so time was finally less of an issue. The due date is almost here. I am trying to get as much done as I possibly can but one thing I do want to mention is that I am not going to have it finished because a scrapbook is an ongoing project. It is something that is never really done and that you can always add to. So, I think that it is pretty cool that as a result of this project I have something really nice and full of memories that I can look back on when I am 80 years old. It will be something really nice to share with  my grandkids in the future. I am really happy that I chose to make a scrapbook as my 20% time project. I have learned a lot and realized that I am pretty good at it. Who knows, I might just make another one that has another story. I love scrapbooking. It is a great stress reliever and I cannot wait to present my project to the rest of my class.

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