Friday, January 22, 2016

Final Semester Reflection

Intro to Humanities
22 January 2016
Final Reflection

         My project is to learn how to braid, install, and style hair. I am overall happy with my end result and overall glad that I got to learn how to install a weave. I enjoyed this project. In the beginning, I thought this project was a joke and I was going to freestyle it, but when I got to work, I was having fun and learning some new things. My favorite part of the project was definitely braiding and I also liked presenting m results. The presentation boasted my confidence and I was just glad that I got to show my class and friends and family that I can do anything I put my mind to and I would also like to show this skill next time. Looking to the next half of the year, I do not know what I would like to do, but I would like to step more out of my comfort zone. I worked on hair this time and that is something I already had a little experience with and knew I would be okay with it. Watching the other students presentations so far, I would like to learn a language, but I would also like to learn something no one has done yet. Thanks for this experience....

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