Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week 16

Well this week I've taken a break. I focused on the presentation aspect of my project. I did some strength training though. I also ran a quick 2 miles today just to keep running and keep the feeling of running alive. I also have been pretty good with the diet plan. Besides the coffee, and it being midterm week, I've been drinking water only , with lemon for some good all natural
Vitamin C. Also since it snowed I didn't feel like running but the shoveling was exercise enough.
I'm so glad I took on this project. It's unbelievable to think I've come so far. I didn't expect it, I didn't think I've had it in me. I can't wait til my marathon and look forward to continue growing in anyway running helps me grow (bettering my time management, continuing my diet plan, muscle tone , etc).

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