Thursday, January 7, 2016

Reflection 13

Over this break, I have not done as terribly as I though I would. Although I did take a bit of a break from running (because I was busy running around preparing for Christmas) I took a good 4 days off. I'm happy to say it didn't affect me too much. I took it easy, after all it is break. I averaged about 6 miles per day with my peak of 12 on Sunday. The days I didn't run, you could find me in the gym doing strength exercises. For Christmas I received running gear -- a neon yellow hoodie that I very much needed. It will keep me warm without over heating me. I look forward to using it and breaking it in. 

My shoes are starting to feel uncomfortable. I think I over-broke them in. I'll need to invest in a new pair soon.
My diet wasn't too skewed this break although Christmas foods and other delicacies are not exactly healthy. However, I recovered after a few days. I'm excited at the progress I've made and even plan on joining a real half marathon. 

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