Sunday, March 20, 2016

Reflection 5

This week didn't exactly go as planned. I honestly was not home long enough any day this week to sit down and work on my sweater. On the bright side, I used my class time pretty productively. Since I finished watching the knitpicks videos on youtube, I started looking at different knitting channels. I watched a few different videos on knitting sweaters and got to see the different techniques people use. One woman was knitting a very thick, chunky sweater and that video helped a lot because the yarn and needles were really big so it was easy to follow along with what she was doing. People have different ways of doing things. It seems like some like to start from the bottom of the sweater, some start from the top, and others start with the sleeves. Next time, I think I'll bring my sweater to class so I can get some more rows done.

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