Sunday, February 21, 2016

Reflection 1

For my 20% Time, I have narrowed down my project to baking, however I do plan to branch out later on in the course of the semester. This is going to be especially useful for all the bakesales that class council and my Relay for Life Team have. To start off, I am in the process of researching potential recipes to bake and collecting a list of them on a document. I have also checked out other baking blogs online for inspiration. I did bake something, and it was peanut butter banana cupcakes for my dog's birthday! It was really fun an he enjoyed it even though it didn't look as appealing as it should've. To document my baking creations, I was planning to create a blog, but I have also thought about maybe making a Tumblr or Instagram account for it instead. I am not entirely sure yet, but I feel like social media accounts are easier to get exposure on and feedback. I haven't done too much work yet, but I am just getting started. This upcoming Saturday my Relay team is having a bake sale so I will bake something yummy for that!

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