Sunday, February 28, 2016

Reflection 2

This week I had a Relay bakesale in Westfield so I was able to bake something! I started off simple, baking snickerdoodles and confetti cookies. It was really fun to make and see how everything turned out. The snickerdoodles didn't turn out as well as I planned, because the recipe I used wasn't the greatest. It used too much flour, so my dough was extremely dry and crumbly.. But on the bright side they were edible! The confetti cookies was a unique recipe using a boxed cake mix, giving them a really nice texture. I really love these, and I plan to bake these again. They're also extremely cute and colorful. I'm not so sure what to bake this week, but I'll look through my recipe list.

Here are the cookies I baked! I forgot to take a picture of them at first, so there were only 4 left when I took it haha. 

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