Sunday, February 28, 2016

Reflection 1

So to prepare for my first picture, I realized I need a plan on how to approach a person.
i came up with a  simple 3 step plan.
1) Introduction: Simply ask if I can take their picture. if they seem interested, then I will explain why and what I'm taking their pictures for.
2) Picture: Smile!
3): Questions: You can't get the right quote just from one questions. Depending on how the conversation will flow, try to build off of what the interviewee provided.
Here are a list of questions I can ask:

  1. Hi, what’s your name?
  2. What grade and school are you?
  3. What were your happiest moments?
  4. What’s the difference between your school self and non-school self?
  5. What advice would you give to underclassmen?
  6. What are the bad things about __________(year)?
  7. What would you change about the way the country is run?
  8. What life motto do you go by?
  9. Who influenced you the most?
  10. What do you think you will be doing in 20 years?
  11. What clubs are you in?
  12. What challenges did you face when you came to UCVTS?
  13. Who’s your favorite teacher? Why? Any stories or experience?
  14. What’s your favorite class?
  15. What is your goal right now?
4)Thank them for their time.

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