Sunday, November 8, 2015

Reflection Week 6

This week I did all of my learning at home. I am not sure if we had class time on Tuesday because I was home sick, but I don't think we did. Either way, I watched a lot of videos while I was home. I focused on counting mainly; it actually ended up being more difficult than I would have expected just because it is different from counting on your fingers like when you're little (which is what I expected it to be). I have to admit I feel a little bit silly about that. Sign language is very complex, and I feel kind of bad for just assuming it would be easy? Well I don't know if easy is the right word. I knew it would come with its difficulties, but I think I underestimated how calculated it is. I feel like this is making it sound like I do not like it though, which is totally not the case. If anything, I am even more interested. It's fascinates me how it is almost like its own science, but I think I was a bit hot headed going into the process, because I just assumed I would be able to get past any difficulties and pick up on the language.
Essentially, I never thought counting would be the thing to get me. I used to take French and Spanish, and I was awful at both, but I could still count. So struggling so much on counting in sign language was frustrating, and I'm sure I will need reinforcement as we go on, but the process has grounded me. Learning through the songs has been relatively easy for me, but I know in any verbal language that would never work. I guess this week just made me realize that the learning process for sign language is much more different from that of verbal languages than I expected.

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